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Sorry for the wait, but we're back! (08/26)

My apologies for taking a while for this update! I am a little lazy sometimes.

I have updated the pictures and made our spotify playlist collaborative (CLICK LINK TO COLLAB)

Look around a little, and I hope you enjoy!


My gluten-free sporty queen! (07/01)

Welcome to our website, Maeve! It is certainly in its youngest stages at the moment, but will continue to grow over time.

Each month, I will update and improve this website before the 1st (our anniversary).

I will add new pictures, new content, and whatever we want on our site!

Since it is password-protected, it will be challenging for anyone to access–i.e. web safety and security.

So please look around! And remember that it is still quite rough, but will grow with our relationship!



coming soon